Image analysis
“Thelma and Louise”-Ridley Scott (1991)
Male orientated objects- Guns, cars suits ties.
Lighting- Non-ambient, very dimly light (common thriller convention)
Location- Goes against common thriller locations of confinement and is shot in a open car park. Very male orientated filled with cars, this was done to signify that the women are lost in a man’s world.

Camera angles- Medium close up. Establishes the mood of the shot.
Representation- Showing the corruption in America, between gender. Shows that there is a lack of security within society.
Costume- Louise is wearing very male orientated clothes which helps show the change in powers – Juxtaposing the natural norm.
Gender- females in male world, very small female car surrounded by extremely large trucks shows that the females are lost and over shadowed by male figures.
A basic/minimal analysis, to strengthen you should watch the clip on Youtube (Google the killing of Harlem in Thelma and Louise) and develop your analysis.