Explain differences between Tinker Tailor and Animal Kingdom
The production of Tinker Tailor is very different to that of Animal Kingdom. With Tinker Tailor it was produced by Working Title. Working title are in partnership with Universal who would let working title make any film they wanted under twenty five million, with Tinker Tailor the budget was twenty million but Universal claimed that the film wouldn’t sell to their American market so did not fully fund the film. Animal Kingdom was co-funded by the Australian government, Film Victoria, Screen NSW and Show Time Australia, which in itself makes Animal Kingdom an independent film because it wasn’t funded by any of the ‘big six’. Animal Kingdom had many unknown actors like James Frenchville, this was done to bring new actors under the spotlight. Guy Pearce is one of the only well know actors in the film, this brought attraction to the film from a pre-existing audience. In the trailer it was apparent that the first thirty seconds was filled Guy Pearce narrating, this was done to sell him as an actor and also the film. Tinker Tailor was heavily filled with famous actors from the likes of Gary Oldman to Benedict Cumberbatch. With Tinker Tailor the production was horizontally integrated. The film was made by working title, funded by Universal. Universal is one of the ‘big six’ production companies in the film industry; it has major cross media ownerships from the likes of film funding and production to its very own record label. In animal kingdom there was very little horizontal integration, the funds came in from many different film companies. Tinker tailors whole production line was owned by Vivendi, this means that the money distributed circulated around which was very helpful because there was no trouble with extra costs and fees.
Tinker Tailor had a previous TV show in 1979 which was a very slow paced spy series, this slow paced feel has been transferred into the movie. The TV series helped create a pre-existing audience for the film which helped gain attraction. This meant that the marketing for tinker tailor could be very mysterious with its advertisements because people already understood the main themes and plot. This meant there were no flashy posters or trailers over advertising the film. Working title did this to form an enigma around the film which would gain attraction. There was great effort put into creating Facebook pages and twitter groups to target the film at their main audience. Gary Oldman also appeared on soccer AM a week before the film’s release date in the UK, this was also done to build a hype around the film and gather a male orientated audience. To contradict Animal kingdom had to put in extraordinary efforts to sell itself to the public. In the trailer the film was advertised as a thriller with the use of dim ambient lighting and gritty images, but also it was advertised as an action with the intense cuts between shots and over use of a ticking timer which created immense tension. This was purposefully done to attract a wider attraction to the film and sell better to the mainstream audience with is action aspects. Animal Kingdom was also screened at the Sundance film festival and won the award for best film. Animal Kingdom had an existing audience from word of mouth after it won the award, and it imbedded itself as a classic in the indie film scene.
Tinker tailor has been heavily distributed since its release, it has made £13,743,483 alone in the UK and is due to be screened in sixteen other countries by 2012. This great global distribution is due to the fact that Working Title is horizontally integrated with universal who own focus features. Focus features is an extremely successful company in America which have distributed films like Atonement, Pride and Prejudice and also In Bruges to the American market. Working title are also in partnership with Optimum releasing which is a very successful distribution company in Europe. Animal kingdom was in partnership with Optimum releasing to help sell the film to the European market and also Madman Entertainment which sold the film in Australia. The budget of the film was $5,000,000 dollars and the box office return was only $6,019,846. This little profit was due to bad distribution to cinemas and the American market. Over 50% of films profit is from the American film market. Tinker Tailor had amazing success due to the great effort put into using new technologies to sell the film. For example a Facebook page was created which people would like and then there friends would like. This was done to create a snow ball effect.
Tinker Tailor and Animal Kingdom were both filmed beautifully, the cinematography was outstanding. This is very common in indie films, there is great attention to detail in the ways the film is shot and how it portrays the directors ideas. Animal kingdom targets many social issues which means people can relate to the film better than they can to Matt Damen killing off bad guys. A common component to independent films is that social or moral issues are addressed, and this was done amazingly in Animal Kingdom.